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A little bit out there is where I like to be

Ann McCarthy | 16 June, 2021

            A little bit out there is where I like to be

I like to think about different things. I like to look outside of the big box.

This is tricky thing in the very structured space of medicine. I was lucky to be trained at some of the finest institutions in the world. I have a conventional foundation for which I am incredibly grateful.

Medicine saves lives everyday and brings people back from the dead. We need it and I don't want to live in a world without conventional medicine. 

This is where I veer off the road

I couldn’t help but wonder why so many people were so sick. Why are so many children in particular unwell and in the hospital? Is this normal? Was this the way it has always been?

The answer is a big fat NO!

➡️  The number of children diagnosed with a chronic illness double from 12.8% in 1994 to 26.6% in 2006.

➡️  From 2001 to 2009, childhood diabetes has increased by 21% and 32% for type 1 and type 2, respectively. 

➡️  Asthma has increased from 3.6% to 9.3% from 1980 to 2010. 

The medicine we have to treat chronic illness can help people acutely and even over the longterm. There are so many doctors and other practitioners working hard to figure out how to fix our sick children, but I think we just need to look under our own noses.

Our bodies are made to be healthy. We are poisoning, starving and stressing our bodies while we are spiritually lost. We get sick and then we wonder why? It’s maddening. This is what makes us sick.

  • Poisoning - exposure to antibiotics, hormones and harmful chemicals in our air, soil, water, food and everyday products.
  • Starving - we eat a ton of food but it is empty food with very little nutritional value our bodies need.
  • Stressing - do I need to explain this one? We run around accomplishing task after task and take very little time to rest and experience joy. Our children are balancing an insane amount of stress and also absorb parental stress. 
  • Searching - we are spiritually lost, I'm not pointing to a specific religion or organization, just that many of us lack connection to purpose and to something greater than ourselves. 

Hard Truth

We all die. None of us are promised a long life. Horrible and unjust things happen in our lives. I don't have the answers for any of that. But for the time that I am here I want to ask questions, be open to new and old ideas, and continue to strive for a better more joyful and healthier life.

We are all dealt different struggles and hardships. None any greater than another's. We are here to support those around us. I want to help patients regain control in their life and point them in the direction of optimal health for this generation and the next. Our own health is directly tied to our child's health and so on. 

We are all in this together and at the same time we are fully responsible for ourselves and our children.